Friday, April 23, 2010

Preposition Games

Dear children,

I have put up some websites on prepositions at our class resource website. The folder is called 'P2 English - Prepositions'. There are many games in which you can play to learn about prepositions.

Miss Lee

Preposition Song 2

Dear children,

Here is another longer version of the song with hand actions included:

You try it with your family and friends to see who could do the hand actions quickly and correctly. Have fun!

Miss Lee

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Websites on length

Dear children,

I have put up some websites on the topic on length in the class resource website. There are games in which you can play to learn about the topic on length. It is under 'P2 Math - Length'.

Have fun!

Miss Lee

Preposition Song

Dear children,

Here is the prepositions song:

Miss Lee

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Habits of Mind (HOM)

Dear children,

For the book review, there is a question on what are the Habits of Mind (HOM) skills used in the Hansel and Gretel story. Here are some of the Habtis of Mind (HOM) skills in which you have learnt in school:

1) Applying past knowledge to new situation

2) Thinking flexibly

3) Persisting -Never give up

4) Struving for accuracy - Checking my work carefully

5) Questioning and posing problems

6) Gathering data through my 5 senses - sense of touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing

Please remember to do your book review. Post your comments on the chat box. You can even comment on your friends' comments as well if you agree or disagree with them.

Miss Lee

Friday, April 16, 2010

Book Review of 'Hansel and Gretel'

Dear children,

Here is the story of Hansel and Gretel which you have read about in the comprehension passage yesterday in class. After you have watched the video clips and read the story from the web link, give your comments on the chat box on the right hand side of the class blog.

Online story:

1) What are some of the HOM (Habits of Mind) skills that Hansel and Greta used in the story?

2) Who is your favourite character in the story? Why?

3) What is your favourite part of the story? Why?

You could also think of a possible ending to the story too.

There is also a Mickey and Minnie Mouse version as well:

Have a good weekend.

Miss Lee

Class Writing: Life cycle of a butterfly

There are many colourful butterflies at the Butterfly Garden. In the beginning, the mother butterfly lays an egg on a leaf. After a few days, the egg cracks. Out comes a tiny caterpillar. It starts to eat the eggshell and the leaves. It becomes bigger and fatter. Then it sticks itself on a branch. It becomes a chrysalis with a hard shell. After some time, the shell breaks. Out comes a butterfly with wet and crumpled wings. Soon, its wings will and the butterfly will flit from flower to flower to suck the nectar with its long tongue.

Written By: Primary 2A

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Math websites (Multiplication)

Dear children,

I have put up some new Math websites on multiplication at the class resource website (P2 Math - Multiplication). There are also some challenging questions for the spongebob kids too.

Please make sure that you have completed all your homework before playing these games.

Have fun!

Miss Lee

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Butterfly is Born

Dear children,

In line with our big book 'A Butterfly is Born', here is a video clip of a life cycle of a butterfly:

Remember to watch out for the keywords like caterpillar, chrysallis and many others.

Here are some information in which you can find out more on the life cycle of a butterfly. There are some fun activities at these websites too, like buttefly crafts. You can try them out at home when you have completed all your homework.





Have fun!

Miss Lee