Friday, February 19, 2010

Photos for Math Confectionery (2)

Dear children,

Here are the photos taken during the Math Confectionery lesson conducted on Thursday on multiplication and division:

Miss Lee

New websites for English

Dear children,

I have put up some websites in the English folder (in the class resource website). There are many games in which can play, but also learn at the same time. They are:

a) P2 English - Present and Past Tense
b) P2 English - Singular and Plural nouns ( I have included some new websites.)

Have fun while playing. Please make sure that you have completed all of your homework before playing the games in these websites.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Lee

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our Chinese New Year Party

Here are the photos for our Chinese New Year party:

Happy New Year!

Miss Lee