Friday, July 31, 2009

How to draw cartoon bats

Dear children,

Here is a video clip in which you can learn how to draw cartoon bats:

Miss Lee

Mario and the beanstalk: Bats in the basement

Dear children,

Since we are now learning the theme on bats, here is a cartoon for you to enjoy during this weekend!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Miss Lee

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Dear children,

We learnt about bats in our comprehension worksheet today.

Here is a link to a video on vampire bats:

Here are links on information and activity worksheets about bats:

Have fun learning about bats!

Miss Lee

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Interesting facts about frogs

Do frogs have teeth?

Actually, yes! But not like in this silly picture!
Most frogs do in fact have teeth of a sort.
They have a ridge of very small cone teeth around the upper edge of the jaw. These are called Maxillary Teeth.
Frogs often also have what are called Vomerine Teeth on the roof of their mouth.
They don't have anything that could be called teeth on their lower jaw, so they usually swallow their food whole. The so-called "teeth" are mainly used to hold the prey and keep it in place till they can get a good grip on it and squash their eyeballs down to swallow their meal.
Toads, however, do NOT have any teeth.

Can frogs hear?

Frogs can hear using big round ears on the sides of their head called a tympanum. Tympanum means drum. On some frogs, the ear is very hard to see!
Ever wonder how frogs that can get so LOUD manage not to hurt their own ears? Some frogs make so much noise that they can be heard for miles! How do they keep from blowing out their own eardrums?
Well, actually, frogs have special ears that are connected to their lungs. When they hear noises, not only does the eardrum vibrate, but the lung does too! Scientists think that this special pressure system is what keeps frogs from hurting themselves with their noisy calls!

Miss Lee

Mr Bean and the Crazy Frog Parts 1 and 2

Watch Mr Bean and the crazy frog in action!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Miss Lee

Videos on frogs

Dear children,

We learnt about frogs in the big book "Proggy Frog and the Cow". Here is a video of how a frog croaks:

Croaking frogs

Miss Lee

Who Am I? - A frog story

Read the story below in the given web link:

Have fun reading!

Miss Lee

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Story on frogs

Miss Lee

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Dear children,

We learnt about prepositions in class today and we even learnt the prepositions hand dance. You can go back and show it to your family.

The preposition hand dance

Miss Lee

NDP Theme song

Dear children,

As you all know, our nation's birthday falls on 9 August. This video clip below is the theme song for this year's National Day Parade. Enjoy!

Miss Lee

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oh where has my little dog gone?

Dear children,

Here are 2 different versions of our tuning-in song, 'Oh where has my little dog gone?' which we have learnt in our big book, 'I want my Mum!'.

Miss Lee

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Plural Nouns

Dear children,

I have a website here for you to practise on plural nouns:

You just have to write your answers down on another separate piece of paper. Then you click on 'Show Answer' to check if your answer is correct.

I will go through this website with all of you in class after I have revised with you on plural nouns tomorrow.

Miss Lee

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Dear children,

In our big book 'Short, tall, big, small', we learn about flamingos. There is a video clip below here:

Miss Lee